
Vascular Bundles
Radial, Conjoint and Concentric Vascular Bundles Collateral and Bicollateral Vascular Bundles Open and Closed Vascular Bundles Amphicribral and Amphivasal Vascular Bundles OR Hadrocentric and Leptocentric Vascular Bundles
Key Living Feature
Most important character of living organism is? 1. Growth 2. Multiplication 3. Protoplasm 4. Movement Answer: Protoplasm Explanation: Most important characteristic of a living organism : The presence of protoplasm in it’s cells.

Taxonomy, Systematics, and New systematics
Taxis = arrangement and nomos = law Taxonomy is the study of principles and procedures of classification In other words forming the rules for classification known as taxonomy This word was proposed A. P. de. Candolle in his book “Theories elementaire de la botanique” (Theory of elementary botany) Taxonomy includes study of: Identification:An organism is

Human Vestigial Organs
Vestigial organs of man are? 1. Underdeveloped muscles of ear 2. Small intestine 3. Pinna 4. Teeth Answer : Underdeveloped muscles of ear Explanation: Underdeveloped muscles of ear are considered vestigial. Other 5 are: wisdom teeth; appendix; the tail bone; body hair; and the semilunar fold (plica semilunaris) in the corner of the eye.

Importance of Vitamin C
Ascorbic acid supplemented food reduces risk of? 1. Rickets 2. Pellagra 3. Scurvy 4. Beriberi Answer: Scurvy Explanation: Ascorbic acid is Vitamin C and it reduces the risk of Scurvy. Rickets : due to the vitamin D deficiency Pellagra : due to the niacin (vitamin B3) or tryptophan deficiency Beriberi : due to the thiamin

Plant Cell
A plant cell is distinguished from the cells of other organisms by its cell wall, chloroplasts, and central large vacuole. The cell wall and central vacuole work together to give the cell rigidity. The plant cell wall is mainly made of cellulose(the most abundant macromolecule present on Earth). Besides cellulose, hemicellulose, pectin, lignin, and proteins