Founders of
StudyClick India

Prince Sir - Director
(M.Sc. University of Allahabad)
StudyClick : Making Learning Simple
StudyClick India : अथातो ज्ञान जिज्ञासा
StudyClick EdCenter : Career Care Center
"It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change"
Our Fundamentals
Mission Statement
Our MISSION is to provide students with the best faculty and learning tools, proven effective by learning science.
We are committed to taking EDUCATION to every home through our expert teachers and current technologies available globally in the educational ecosystem.
Our Core Values
We have a culture that is modern and relevant. Our Educational Environment helps students to have a brighter future.
Our 3-Tier Revision and Continuous Assessment programs are vital to the student’s improvement.
Our Philosophy
We, at StudyClick India, follow an Aspirant-centered educational approach. We believe that a True Aspirant is naturally curious and is capable of initiating learning in a supportive and thoughtfully prepared environment.
We make sure that our Educational Environment covers the purpose of learning science.
You’re not alone!!!
Millions of parents around the world worry about their children’s education.
That’s why we’ve made it our MISSION to provide the best possible education for every student. With experienced and qualified faculty, we make sure that each and every student reaches their potential.